LAHORE: Times Higher Education Asian University Ranking On Wednesday 2018, the government rated University University (GCU) 351+ in the latest evaluation.
In July, GCU 1001+ was ranked worldwide by Times Higher Education. However, the list, GCU worldwide, was 683 based on international opinion among universities around the world.
"For many years, we send data to Times Higher Education, but for the first time in July 2017 and February 2018, the second time, we received the list of international gCua universities," said the director to improve the quality of the cell Iram Sohail
Vice Chancellor at the University of State University Prof. Dr. Hassan Amir Shah said that, besides his international recognition, he also helped the universities to understand the weak and powerful areas. He pointed out that the reason for the lack of classification of the academic industry is.
However, GCU Chemical Department said last month that it had organized an international conference on industrial academic links to fill this gap. VC said he hoped that the university would improve its ranking in 2019. He called on the government to increase its funds to GCU and stated that the challenge was to stay in shape with the students to increase quality and increase the rankings.
GRAPHICS: The Higher Education (THE) World University Classification, 2018 Asian University Rankings, Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (UVAS) 301-350 ranked among the best Asian universities.
"No UVAS GRAPES in the global ranking are part of the national education and research industry, and reflect the continued influence on society," said vice president, faculty, staff and students congratulations on this achievement. Waiting for UVAS to continue its progress and development trip. Another success of UVAS after a few months of qualification backwards in the ranking of Asian University QAS.
Times Higher Education Ranking is a global performance chart that evaluates intensive research universities in terms of basic tasks, teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international perspectives. Thirteen carefully calibrated performance indicators have been used in the Asian World Universities for a comprehensive and balanced comparison between universities around the world dedicated to the five above-mentioned areas.