Past Papers of Mathematics 1st year Federal Board 2019

As we all know that BISE Federal Board is the no. 1 educational board in Pakistan so its courses are also difficult. The students of fsc part 1 federal board can't handle the pressure of such a difficult course. Usually this board works all over the Pakistan but it is specifically situated in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. Its mathematics 1st year book also contains too difficult stuff which can't be prepared without past papers of mathematics 1st year federal board. So we created a web page and uploaded all the past papers of mathematics 1st year federal board on this page. 

Mathematics of fsc part 1 federal board contains a heavy sallybus with so much difficult exercises and chapters. Before doing anything, you should learn all the definitions which are usually given on the start of chapter or unit. These definitions are very useful for your short questions answers. Then check the past papers of mathematics 1st year federal board 2019 and see the important questions. Then check the 1st year mathematics past papers of federal board of other past years and find the questions that are repeated many time and practice them first. When you are done with that, check the units from which the questions are often given in the exam of mathematics 1st year and prepare those units with complete attention and effort. It will definitely give you a big advantage in your annual exam of mathematics 1st year federal board.  


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