Urdu Medium Persian Five Years Old Past papers Of BISE Bahawalpur (Punjab)

9th Class Past Papers of Persian, Bahawalpur Board, Punjab.

Greetings from the Pakistani famous website of Past Papers. Here on this page, you can find the old papers of Persian subject 9th class. You can download both subjective and objective type past papers from here. Persian subject is taught in Urdu Medium only. The website is still under development and we hope to add more up to date past papers 2019 for the ease of our students. Most of the past board papers extending from 9th class to Intermediate are available here. Every student who wants to get good marks in exams should solve the last five years’ past papers ninth and he will understand the new paper's design and structure which will clear his concepts and he will not feel any difficulty during the exam time.



In a Persian subject, the students of Pakistan learn about the Persian literature, prominent people who contributed notable works in Persian language and about the prominent Muslims through whom Islam was introduced in Persia (Iran). Persian is of great importance when we read the history of rulers and the national languages of Pakistan. Persian is the official language of our neighbor country Iran. It was spoken officially during the era of Mughal Empire in sub-continent. After the British occupied the sub-continent, Persian speakers decreased. But still, there were the people like Allama Iqbal who adopted the Persian language in their poetry and literature. After the partition of the subcontinent, Persian became extent there and other languages were made official. We can still find Persian words in our languages especially Urdu language.

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