Statistics Lahore Board Past Paper with Objective Type for Fsc Part Two

Lahore Board’s Statistics Past Papers with Objective and Subjective

Do you find STATISTICS a difficult subject like MATH OR PHYSICS? There could be a lot of reasons for thinking that Statistics is Ahh!!!

 a very boring subject. If you think it’s true… Welcome to the world of Probability, Paradoxes, P Values, Thought Experiments and Coin Flipping.

Lahore board state past papers

Statisticians love to talk about coins. By the time you finish the course you only know how to use statistics and why and what question could be asked if you run across the world of statistics. Weather forecast, policy making, television, and ratings everything is full of statistics.

 Statistics is all about the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting data to help to make more effective decisions.





Statistics Past Papers


The Intermediate class statistics is divided into the two types of statistics descriptive and inferential. It is a branch of mathematics.  

Now the question here arises is that why student finds statistics boring and difficult to understand?

 The reason is that the students literally do not prepare this subject as it should be prepared.  Statistics of intermediate part one normally consists of Probability and Probability Distribution and usually, students find probability difficult to understand. The book of the 2nd year consists of sampling and sampling techniques and distributions. That is very different from the Inter part I book.

 Now the secret to getting 100% result in statistics in Lahore Board Intermediate part I and II does not waste your time on preparing and understanding each and every chapter but you can prepare the important chapters and questions. For this purpose, you can get help from the Past papers Inter.

Where can you get these old papers?

 The answer is our website because it has all the previous year’s subjective and objective papers of Lahore Board Intermediate Part II. We have created this website to help the students of all ages to get them prepared for Board’s exams by arranging a preparative study plan of the past papers which you can download from where you are right now reading your question’s answer.

So the Lahore Board Statistics’ Objective and Subjective type of paper of all years is access able here free of cost. Just click on the objective past papers State Lahore Board of Intermediate part II of any year from old 2004 to current 2019 and woah..!! Enjoy the full marks in it. You can also download our Past papers App here. Click on the link given below or at the top right corner of this page.




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