12th Class Pak Studies Faisalabad Board Past Papers 2019

Pak Studies also known as Pakistan Studies is a compulsory subject in Intermediate Part 2 Faisalabad Board. It contains the history of Pakistan. Apart from this, it also contains the circumstances that occurred a bit earlier. Students of 12 class Faisalabad Board also learn about the geographical aspects of our country. By studying this subject, they will be able to learn a lot about their homeland. They will come to know how much difficulties were faced for the establishment of Pakistan and how many problems were and still are being faced for the prosperousness of Pakistan. 


It is very important for the students of faisalabad board inter part 2 to take deep interest in this subject as it is related to their homeland. They would be able to develop a sense of patriotism. By knowing the problems being faced by Pakistan, they will surely become a good citizen. They will perform their duties well to built a better and successful future of Pakistan. The students of 12 class Faisalabad board should also pay attention to this subject as it is compulsory and is very important to gain good marks in exams of inter part 2 pak studies Faisalabad board. It would be better to focus on this subject as it is about their country as well as important intermediate subject.


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