Computer Science Past Paper of Sargodha Board Free PDF Download

Computer Science 2nd year past papers Sargodha Board

The vicar of the computer is Charles Babbage. In the 18th century, Babbage originates and intends numbers and tables of computers. ADA Lovelace became computer algorithm designer after Babbage invention. She invents the computer Bernoulli numbers.

Past papers 12th


Computer science often carried by ICS students in Intermediate part 1 and Intermediate part 2. ICS (Information on computer and science) is the study of computer and information. After 10 years period of schooling, students can enter in Intermediate of Sargodha Board. Intermediate is the first step of students to their future after 10 years of study modulation. Now, the environment is totally different in the intermediate class. Books have an immense syllabus, not all the student covers the complete area of it. So, there is a solution to it, to learn the previous Inter papers of computer science. Past papers 2019 are the only way to make your biases strong if you are an Intermediate student. Previous year 12th grade papers provide you manage your time with your syllabus and give you an idea of important topics that you have no worries about the complete book. You just have to survey important topics and learn five years papers of CS.




Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers


  CS option’s paper of Inter part 2 of BISE Sargodha:

Examiner elects to choose up MCQ’s from the previous year’s 2nd year Sargodha Board papers repeatedly that’s why precedent papers 2019 of Computer Science are the most valuable thing for students of the second year. At least, all the student have to knowledge about the past papers that they can solve objective paper very conveniently and make sure their victory.

   Non-Objective Paper of Com-Science Board of Sargodha:

Long and short query parts are the most important part of the CS paper in ICS part two. It based on theory and numerical type questions as well as coding of basic few languages like HTML or CSS. It is not possible to have a good command of computer languages. Therefore, the student learns precedent papers of Computer science and marks important questions on the textbook. There a number of queries which are repeated every year that is the reason past papers of all boards enhance the knowledge of students and students have to preview five years past papers of CS inter part 2, before their final board exams.


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