12th Class Computer Science Lahore Board Past Papers 2022

As we all know that the past papers of computer science 12th class lahore board play a very important role in the exams of ics part 2 as the students of ics part 2 lahore board use these 12th class past papers of lahore board 12th class computer science to prepare for the exam. These papers help the students in preparation of their exam by telling them the information of examination techniques. We have uploaded all the past papers of computer science 2ndy year lahore board for the students who can't find them on bookstores.



English Medium Computer Science Past Papers



Computer Science Past Papers

The students of ics part 2 lahore board usually take a serious interest in computer science of inter part 2 lahoe board because they have heard so much about its scope in the developing world. As we all know that the next era is of computer so every body should know the computer skills which can be learnt by studying computer science in 12th class lahore board. It is not a simple subject but for those students of 12th class lahore board, who are interested in the education of computer, this subject is quite easy and they study it with a good interest and effort. Their effort and interest gives them a good result in the annual exam of computer science 2nd year lahore board in the form of good marks.


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