Computer Science Faisalabad Board Past Papers for FSC Part Two

Computer Science second year past papers Faisalabad Board

In today’s era of technology, where Science is the biggest concern, Computer Science is the most impressive book for Inter part two candidates. Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education run this subject as it should be in this era.

Computer Science book in Intermediate only available for ICS students. Past papers can help candidates and there is no need left for the waiting of guess papers. Therefore, the students have to keep in touch with the last five years papers and make sure their victory in exams.

Old papers for inter part two

You can get past paper of previous five years by just a single clicking at this link.

Most students prepare paper from a book of computer science second-year class but miss the reading portion, which is the biggest mistake of them. Students have to prepare a final paper according to the paper pattern which is only possible when you get the five years Computer science past paper’s review.




Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers


Computer Science Past Papers

 Computer Science long and short question paper for class 12th Fsd BISE

Subjective paper of computer science is mostly from the theoretical part as well as from the coding part. There are two to three basic languages which are discussed in this course. Now, this is not possible to have command at all of these fully. So, the best solution is to try to resemble your current textbook with currently passed past paper and prepares your papers without any tension of collection of guess papers.

CS MCQ’s past papers FSD BISE for the 2nd year

BISE Faisalabad arranges Cs (computer science) textbook for the emphasis on the knowledge of candidates. Objective portion of this book has correspondent value as the subjective paper has. Many MCQ’s picked up from five years of past papers of Computer Science in the paper making process. So, prepare the objective from the previous year’s past papers of Faisalabad BISE is the best thing to conduct to sure your marks. 


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  • Muhammad Ahmed 08 / Mar / 2022

    It was great 👍 website for students


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