Past papers of Urdu 1st year Quetta Board

If you think that you will prepare the urdu 1st year of quetta board can be prepared during the exam of inter part 1 urdu quetta board then kindly drop that idea because it will destroy your all hopes when you will see the book of urdu inter part 1 quetta board. It is so much difficult and tough subject for the students of 11th class quetta board because the candidates from balochistan board usually are not well known of urdu which can create many difficulties for them.


The paper pattern of Urdu 1st year quetta board is quite different from the patterns of other boards. Their is very less choice for the students to attempt the questions. Most of the questions are compulsory. And the questions in which the choice is given are probably hard to attempt. Their are no MCQs in it because of the thinking that this type of paper is useless for the knowledge and education of students of Urdu 11th class quetta board. If you start reading the past papers of urdu 1st year quetta board then you will see that their is too much confusion in the exam for those students that have never seen the 11th class urdu past papers of quetta baord because before sitting in the examination hall, you need to know the nature of the paper and its techniques. You need to judge the mind of paper setter and while attemting the paper, you need to judge the mind of examiner.


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