Past Papers of Islamiat 1st year Federal Board 2022

We are well known of a fact that the students usually take easy the study of islamiat 1st year federal board. This is not good for their total marks in the examinations of intermediate part 1 federal board but they do. They usually aren't recognized with the importance of islamiat 1st year federal board. It is the subject which contains so much useful stuff in it. The students of inter part 1 federal baord usually think that it is an easy subject and they will easily prepare it in a very short time which is their biggest mistake.


1st year islamiat federal board is not a simple subject as it look. So my advice for students of inter part 1 federal board is that please don't take is forgranted. It is a tough subject and needs a proper attention towards itself. I know it seems like a joke to you but it is truth. Islamiat 1st year federal board is very difficult and time taking subject. It takes so much time to be prepared. We have added the links of past papers of islamiat 1st year federal board year wise. You just need to click on the above widget and you will get the 1st year islamiat past papers of federal board and you can prepare for your annual exam of islamiat 1st year federal board.


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