Past Papers of English 1st year Federal Board 2022

As BISE Federal Board is totally and English medium board so i don't think that the students of intermediate part 1 federal board will face any kind of difficulty regarding the study of English 1st year federal board. And if you face any kind of difficulty during the study of english 1st year federal board then there are some simple and interesting techniques to improve the english. I believe that after reading the below paragraph, ou will definitely follow the instructions given in paragraph because every body wants to improve his/her english.


There are some important factors and exercises to improve the grip on English. The very first and important thing is the confidence. If you are confident during the speaking than you are definitely right. The confidence of a person matters the most while speaking english. You should watch the sports without muting your television. You should listen the commentary because it improves your vocabolary. English can't be learnt by the books. It is just learnt by practice. If you are good in english then the exam of english 1st year federal board would be nothing to you. You can pass the exam of english 1st year federal board by your english skills and creativity. And if you are afraid of the heavy sallybus then we are here to provide you the past papers of english 1st year federal board in the scanned format.


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  • Nandlal Saroopani 26 / May / 2021



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