Computer Science Lahore Board Past Papers 2022 for 11th Grade

Past papers of 11th Lahore Board:

BISE Lahore board Secondary and Intermediate education conducting exams in Lahore area. It is considered as the largest board in Pakistan. The past papers of computer science Lahore board plays a very vital role in the exams of ICS part one. The students of 11th grade use the past papers of Lahore board to prepare for annual exams. These papers help the students in the preparation of their exams by revealing all the helping information regarding the annual exams. We have uploaded all the past papers of Computer science 11th class Lahore board especially for those students who can't find them on bookstores.

Lahore board CS papers 2019


Computer science Intermediate part 1:

Mostly students of ICS part one of Lahore board put their lot of interest in Computer science, as they hear a lot of scope in the developing world. As we all know that In the modern technology world every student should know the skills of Computer science. If students have an interest in this subject and put some efforts they can easily gain a good percentage in the annual.




Computer Science Past Papers


The objective part of Computer Science:

The objective part is the compulsory part of the exams. Students consider the objective part very little As they think they can do well in the subjective part.  In Computer Science Objective you can scour a better percentage by doing the objective part well.  The students don't give time to the objective part. The objective part of Computer Science can be learned through the past papers of computer science inter part one and practice them a lot to get a good percentage.

The subjective part of computer science:

Students of Inter part one must need to understand some criteria from past papers of last five years of all boards. Checking some 2022 past papers can make you sure how to solve the subjective part. The past paper helps you to learn some important Chapters and important topics so students don't waste time. Students are advised to go through the past papers of Computer science Lahore board inter part one.



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