Home Economics Past Papers for Matric of Lahore Board (BISE)

Past paper of home economics Lahore BISE:

BISE Lahore past papers of 10th class Home Economics are available on this page. The past papers of both objective type and subjective type are present in downloadable form separately. Like any other elective subject in 10th Class, the paper of home economics consists of 75 marks and it can give you high scores if you for it prepare wisely.

Lahore board past papers

Preparing for matriculation examinations from past papers is an extremely effective and easy formula to gain the highest marks and learn the syllabus completely. The subject of home economics is concerned with home management and nutrition, food, and household economics. It is a general subject yet important subject and covers vast aspects. It is sometimes regarded as an easy subject when actually is scientific and factual. The terms and concepts being taught in it will benefit the student greatly in their next levels of education such as intermediate and bachelors.


Urdu Medium Home Economics Past Papers


Last five year papers of BISE Lahore:

The students who are intended to pursue their careers in the field of home economics have to gain maximum marks in matriculations because that will be decisive about their admissions. The rising competition level has set the merit for admissions in intermediate classes very high, which has put an immense burden on the shoulders of every student to do their best in board’s examinations. For that purpose finding an effective source of preparations is necessary.

The students can start their 10th class preparations based on past papers schedule. By testing the learned syllabus on past papers of last five years, the preparations can be completely done without any doubt and moreover the students would need a tutor or instructor for guidance. From the objective type paper point of view, the content for objective type questions is usually taken from within the chapters. By reading the objective papers of past years a student can prepare an entire reading of their chapters as well. We have enlisted the past papers of previous years of Lahore board with group 1 and group 2 separately for the assistance of 10th class students.


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