FSC/FA Computer Science 2019 Sahiwal Board Past Paper

12th Class Computer Science Sahiwal Board Past Papers

Sahiwal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education educates this ruler subject and expands the associate with reference to it. Only ICS (Information of Computer Science) students can get your hands on this subject in their major apprehension in 2nd year at BISE Sahiwal.

Inter past papers computer

The amount of student’s statement out past exams paper on sundry websites. But Pastpaper.pk is the only website somewhere you can get a hold of all the final year’s paper of computer science from 2014 and 2019 deficient any complexity.



•    Comp-Science long and short question paper for class 12th:

Theoretical paper of Comp-Science concluding exams of Inter Sahiwal BISE is the mainstream of the hub and wolf down an extra split second in the time of candidates to get ready it and to endeavor it. There is more repeatedly dumpy, brief and full clarification, explanation quires. In addition to it have some basic instructions of essential lingos that play a part in the final paper of CS, Student 20 percent have good quality domination in these languages but not all of them.

Past papers are the way to overcome this kind of major issues, I feel proud to tell you about IKD team’s hard work on past papers. You can get all the final year's past papers from this website and can view online as well. 

Candidates who prepare their paper from last five years past paper of 2nd year CS by Sahiwal Board; they would certainly pass their exams by getting high scores.

•    CS MCQ’s past papers Sahiwal for the 2nd year:

BISE Sahiwal put in order of computer science (CS) steer for the distinction on the draw a parallel of candidates. One by partly portion of the computer exams is commencing an objective part of final exams Sahiwal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education.



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