Lahore Board Past Papers of 2019 Biology Inter Part 2 with MCQs Type Paper

Past papers Lahore Board FSC part 2, Lahore Board subjective and objective type 2014 -18

No subject is difficult; it’s only our interest that makes it easy or difficult. Some students find math as a difficult subject because of algebraic Mathematics and some will find Biology as a difficult one because of no interest in science.  To understand Biology you need to believe that everyone can understand science, some people just need some more exposure to the subject. Don’t call yourself stupid as it can set up a mental block or don’t refer yourself up to a level where you believe you are not meant to study Biology. Students at Matric level believe that they can pass the FSc, as easily as it is the task of their usual routine but the truth is that you need to work a little harder than that of Matric level.

Old paper lahore bise bio subject

First of all, you need to practice, practice and practice your lectures and subject. Secondly, you need to get help from your teacher or tutor and from the previous year papers. Now the question is where we can get past papers of Fsc part II of Biology so that we can prepare for our board exams. Yes, understanding fundamentals are important but I'm assuming you need to know intricate details for the exams.

Here we have solved your problem. here provides you all the material related to your study and preparation of Biology subject. We have arranged the Past papers Biology, Lahore Board FSC part 2, Lahore Board subjective and objective type 2014 -18 here at one platform.  Objective type and Subjective type 2nd year past papers are available to download here on this website of Biology FSc part II. These Past Papers are very helpful to know where you stand before attempting the LAHORE BOARD exams. Subjective and objective type past papers are of great help to assess your preparation for your LAHORE BOARD exams.



Urdu Medium Biology Past Papers


English Medium Biology Past Papers




As the objective type of paper is the one which takes less time but it is very difficult to guess from where the MCQs will come. In order to remove your doubts, you can prepare the LAHORE BOARD OBJECTIVE TYPE PAST PAPERS BIOLOGY FSC PART II. You can download these past papers from PASTPAPERS.PK. You can practice 12th Class Biology Past Papers MCQS Online Test Lahore Board. You can select a Paper from below for 9th Class Biology Past Papers MCQs Objective type Lahore Board and can test your knowledge.



If you want to attain more marks in FSC Biology subjective type you need to prepare the past papers of Biology FSC part II to achieve full marks. Subjective type of paper takes more time than objective type and most students get confused while attempting the paper on the board.  So it is better to download the past papers of FSC biology part II from this website and prepare them and have the practice of these papers to achieve more than 90% of marks in LAHORE BOARD EXAM of BIOLOGY PART II.


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