Past Papers of Islamiat 1st year Quetta Board 2019

The question paper of islamiat 1st year quetta board usually seems short because of its low total marks i,e 50.and a less amount of questions. But when you will start to attempt the answers then you will come to know that it was not as short as we thought. Actually it contains many arabic phrases which can be a limestone between students and the exam of islamiat 11th class quetta board. Students are often shocked after seeing the paper because of some unexpected questions because usually questions are given with some tricks that a dumb student can't understand.


All the problems explained above usually occur when you do not go through the past papers of islamiat 1st year quetta baord becuase you haven't ever seen the type of questions that is given in the board exam of islamiat 1st year quetta baord. It is quite tough for the students of 11th class quetta board to understand and judge the mind of the paper setter and examiner because they haven't ever given the exam for 11th class quetta baord. So when you are unexperienced then you have to see the past stuff regarding those papers such as past papers of islamiat 1st year quetta board 2019 or other previous years. It will definitely help them to understand that what the examiner needs from them in the answer sheet. You just need to visit on this section and click on the year you want and then your all the problems regarding the exam of islamiat 1st year quetta board will be solved.


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