Biology Gujranwala Board Past Papers for Intermediate Part One Download here

11th Class Biology Gujranwala Board Past Papers

It is very important for the students to go through the past papers to know the format of the paper, difficulty level, and important topics. Get past paper (2019 for BISE Gujranwala Class 11 Biology exams 2019 based on the latest syllabus at

11th class bio papers gujranwala

It is very important for 11th class BIOLOGY students to check their preparedness before appearing for annual board exams. Students of BISE GUJRANWALA can easily do this with the help of past papers of biology based on the latest pattern and syllabus. Here at this website, you will get the BISEGRW class 11th Biology past papers for annual exams 2019. These past papers are old papers of BISE Gujranwala annual exams of 11th class from 2004 to 2019. The design of the class 11 Biology paper in 2019 will be exactly similar to the following previous year’s papers of Biology first year. These past papers include the questions from important chapters and topics and the students must solve these past papers in order to manage the time and to know the pattern of the exams and the difficult questions which could be asked in 2019.







Urdu Medium Biology Past Papers




Why should students solve BISE Gujranwala Class 11 Past Papers?

  • To get familiar with the pattern and difficulty level of the exam.
  • To learn new ways of managing speed and accuracy in the examination.
  • To brush up their knowledge.
  • To know the important topics and chapters
  • To know the timely repeated questions asked in annual exams
  • To know about often repeated MCQs
  • To boost up their stamina and to build confidence to attempt annual exams
  • 1. All the questions are compulsory.
  • 2. The questions paper consists of 29 questions divided into 4 sections A, B, C, and D.


General Instructions:

  • All the questions are compulsory but have a choice.
  • The objective question paper consists of 17 questions divided into 4 choices A, B, C, and D.
  • Section I of subjective paper comprises of 3 each have 12 short questions of 2 marks each. Section II comprises of 5 questions. Each question has a and b part of 4 marks each total of 8 marks of each long question.
  • There is an overall internal choice of 4 short questions in each part and a choice of 2 long questions in Section II.


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